IAB Full page flex mobile Ads

IAB Full page flex is one of the next generation of Mobile Brand Advertising Ad format and this display a huge ad which gets locked up with the Background and Foreground and it is designed with consistent behaviours that keep the viewer firmly in control.

The IAB Full page flex Ad format provides a full screen fit with the Mobile devices and it is provides good ROI.

The Ad format contains the Foreground Creative section and the background creative sections. The foreground creative section is the one that contains the Ads (Banner) and the background creative section occupy the space between the Creative Foreground and the Ad Container.

The Foreground Ad section will be visible on the mobile and the background creative section will be displayed only based on the size of the mobile.

There are 4 default IAB Input Designs for different resolutions with the define size for the Foreground and background and it is,

Ad format 1: 320X320 and 480X480
Ad format 2: 480X480 and 800X800
Ad format 3: 600X600 and 1024X1024
Ad format 4: 768X768 and 1280X1280

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