Super preroll

The super preroll plus video ads will be delivered in a popup window with three display units they are,

Advertiser’s ad gallery
Advertiser’s video ads
Social networking site’s share button

The ad and ad gallery will be played when the customer mouse hovers it, the share button will allow the customer to share the ad in social media sites.

The pop-up window will have a close button to return back the user to the playing video content.

The super preroll ads can deliver two different ads at a time, one ad will be played in the video player and another ad will be shown in the pop-up window.

The pop-up window flashes at the beginning of a video content, the skip button in the ad will take the customer to the original video content.

The popup window will flash repeatedly in the player in between the main video ads. The time when the pop-up window will occur is shown in the video content for customer convenience.

When the pop-up window flashes on the video, the video content will get a resume in the background and continue only when the pop-up is closed.

The super preroll plus video ads can deliver the first pre-roll ad at the beginning of a video content and another ad in the pop window.

The advertiser can choose two different ads in this video ad format.